As the daughter of a passionate photographer, I grew up immersed in the world of photography from a young age. The magic of the darkroom, weekly photography club meetings, being a testmodel, a living room filled with shelves of inspiring photography books, patiently waiting for that perfect “le moment décisif” shot in the streets of Paris, and playing jury with my mother to help him curate his photo projects — these experiences shaped my early connection to photography and deepened my appreciation for the power of images.

After completing my secondary education in applied arts, I decided to study photography in Brussels at Luca — a decision my dad wasn’t thrilled about. He believed photography was too technical for me and doubted it was my true passion.
(I never wanted to admit it, but of course, he was right at that moment!)
But after five years of hard work and overcoming technical challenges, I earned my master’s degree in photography.
In my twenties, I explored various techniques, working with large-format cameras, Hasselblads, studio setups, and analog black-and-white photography. It was during this time that I discovered the Polaroid SX-70 Land camera and fell in love with the magic of color photography. This camera became my go-to tool and the subject of my thesis. I delved into the world of Polaroid and color photography, drawing inspiration from masters like Luigi Ghirri, Robert Polidori, Joel Meyerowitz, and Saul Leiter.

In 2018, I began working as an in-house photographer for several renowned design magazines. I created numerous interior features showcasing Belgian (interior) architects, editorial shoots, international assignments, and intimate portraits of both emerging and established designers in Belgium and abroad. Thanks to my editorial work, I have developed a deep understanding of how color brings life to spaces, products, and people.
In June 2024, I launched my freelance career with a strong focus on my distinctive approach to color in design, architecture, and interior photography. My goal is to tell stories through images that radiate aesthetics and character through color, brought to life in my own unique style.

Working with the best

